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The Story Behind Tri Pantheon

As a freshman at University of Wisconsin-Stout, I came up with the original game idea while taking GDD 100 (Introduction to Game Design) in Fall of 2017. The class project was to design a game as a mash-up of two other games. I was inspired by Seven Wonders and Rock Paper Scissors so I added a Greek Mythology theme and Tri Pantheon was born (initially known as Power Triangle). During my senior year, I was brainstorming for my honors contract and I came up with the idea of making an online version of the game using Tabletop Simulator. It has helped me improve my coding skills while using LUA to program the gameplay. This honors contract has been a great way to bring the game to life and I have been lucky enough to collaborate with talented artists who have done an incredible job with the card art.


In the future, my hope is to eventually refine Tri Pantheon even more, and have the cards and game board printed out and sent as gifts to everyone who supported me and helped make this game a reality. As you might have guessed, I am a fan of Greek Mythology. In fact, I was looking forward to a study abroad trip to Greece for my HIST 196 (Cosmos of Greek Myth) class. Unfortunately, the trip to Greece was scheduled for spring break of 2020, so it was cancelled due to the pandemic starting at that time. However, I still hope to make it to Greece someday. 


Tri Pantheon is dedicated to the amazing artists who shared their talent, the helpful playtesters who offered great feedback, the incredible professors who provided advice and guidance, and my supportive friends and family who encouraged me along the way.


Thank you,

Kendra Aumann-Weyenberg



Power Triangle 

Prototype for GDD 100

Tri Pantheon

Online version created with Tabletop Simulator For Honors Contract
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